Corporate Responsibility
Our commitment to corporate responsibility is tied to our distinctive culture of St. Luke's Health (SLH). Each of us helps shape that culture by acting in accordance with our Core Values and Standards of Conduct. We all have a personal responsibility to behave ethically and appropriately.
Commitment to Integrity
Healthcare is a complex industry. Many of the laws and regulations that govern healthcare are difficult to understand and to apply consistently.
Our Values in Action Policy and Reference Guide helps employees understand these laws and regulations as well as describe our standards of conduct and how to apply them to daily work situations.
How to Report Concerns
Everyone associated with St. Luke's Health has a responsibility to behave ethically and appropriately. However, sometimes the “right” way to act is unclear.
As an organization and as individuals, we are responsible for promptly reporting potential violations of law, regulation, policy, or procedure. Employees are protected from retaliation for making a good-faith report, complaint, or inquiry.
Our Reporting Process
Speak with your supervisor or another manager.
If a manager/supervisor is not available, or you are not comfortable speaking with him or her, or you believe the matter has not been adequately resolved, contact your Human Resources representative or your local Corporate Responsibility Officer.
There are two confidential reporting options that are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Call the reporting hotline number: 1-800-845-4310
File your report using the Internet at https://compliancehotline.commonspirit.org
Reports are received by trained staff who document and forward information to your local and/or national corporate responsibility officer for appropriate action. Reports are not traced or recorded, and you may remain anonymous if you wish.
Employees are encouraged to use these procedures as needed to make the right decisions and support others in doing the same.
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