St. Luke’s Health Welcomes Newest Chaplain

St. Luke’s Health Memorial Lufkin welcomes its newest spiritual care giver and chaplain, Rev. Ed Thomas, who joined the Mission and Spiritual Care team on August 25.
“I’m enjoying getting to know folks and helping enhance the healing presence of our ministry,” Rev. Ed said.
Rev. Ed is ordained in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church and has been involved in ministry for more than 35 years. He has served pastorates in Louisiana, North Carolina, New Jersey, and in Lufkin. He now serves locally as supply pastor until a replacement is named.
While discerning a career change to chaplaincy, he served as a Pastoral Resident in the Greenville Health System in Greenville, SC. He also did Clinical Pastoral training at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, NC.
Rev. Ed has a Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Management from Stillman College in Tuscaloosa, AL, a Master’s of Divinity from Memphis Theological Seminary and a Doctorate in Ministry from Hood Theological Seminary in Salisbury, NC.
In addition to his chaplain work, Rev. Ed is active in and deeply committed to ministry in the broader community. He has worked with youth, social services and interfaith partnerships for just and healthy communities.
“My model for ministry is based on the joy, humility and love of neighbor found in the early church, as in Acts 2:42-47,” Rev. Ed said. “I’m having a really great experience at St. Luke’s Health. This work is much more life-giving than I imagined it could be, and I am very happy and blessed to be part of the Mission and Spiritual Care team.”
The Mission Integration team helps to fulfill a soul-purpose, the Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) mission to nurture the healing ministry of the Church, supported by education and research, as fidelity to the Gospel urges to emphasize human dignity and social justice as we create healthier communities.
Rev Ed joins Mission Integration Vice President Jay Gilchrist, Manager of Spiritual Care Charles Macko, and Livingston chaplain Walter Futch.
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Tuesday, October 20, 2015Find a Doctor
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