Come Test Drive Our Robotic Surgical System

When you think of surgery, images such as those portrayed on television come to mind of a doctor dressed in scrubs, standing over the patient and making that first incision with the scalpel. Modern-age technology has radically transformed the way physicians perform surgical procedures by utilizing robotic equipment, and St. Luke’s Health Memorial Lufkin is at the cutting edge of minimally invasive robotic surgery with the installation of the da Vinci Xi, the most advanced system between Tyler and Houston.
To better understand how minimally invasive robotic surgery works, St. Luke’s Health Memorial invites the public to experience firsthand one of da Vinci’s training robots and talk with our surgeons and robotics team on Wednesday, March 23 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the hospital’s main lobby.
Well-documented research shows that minimally invasive surgical procedures benefit patients in multiple ways – reduced trauma to the body, less scarring, reduced blood loss, less post-operative pain and discomfort, less risk of infection, shorter hospital stay, and quicker return to normal daily activities.
The da Vinci Xi is made up of two components – the surgeon’s console and the robotic arms containing tiny instruments that are inserted into the patient’s body through very small incisions. The Xi System’s 3D-HD vision system at the surgeon console provides a highly magnified view, virtually extending the surgeon’s eyes and hands into the patient.
Being the first hospital in the state of Texas to acquire the da Vinci High Definition robotic system nearly a decade ago, Memorial values the importance of staying in the forefront of robotic advancements. Currently, more than 60 percent of the gynecological, urological and general surgeries at Memorial are now performed using one of the hospital’s two robots.
For more information about St. Luke’s Health Memorial’s robotic advancements, click here.
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Monday, March 21, 2016Find a Doctor
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