Creative Art to Support the Cause

For the past seven years, the annual Art Bra Contest, part of the Power of Pink! Luncheon, showcases participants’ creative skills, while raising awareness for breast cancer.
The Art Bra Contest is one of the most anticipated portions of the annual luncheon. Whether the winning bra is modeled by breast cancer survivors, male leaders in the community or physicians, each year is a surprise to see who will walk the runway in these outrageous bras.
This year, the 1st Place winner will receive a pizza party for 20 from Marco’s Pizza. The People’s Choice winner will receive “Whataburger for a year.” People’s Choice winner is chosen by the community through an online vote and celebrity judges select the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.
“The Art Bra contest is a fun and different way for the community to be reminded of the importance of breast cancer awareness,” said Lindsey Mott, Marketing Communications Specialist at St. Luke’s Health-Memorial and Coordinator of Power of Pink! “Ladies are encouraged in a variety of ways to get mammograms, get their yearly checkups and to do self exams. The Art Bra Contest is a fun way to remind ladies of the importance of early detection. It is a fact that, when found early, most women survive breast cancer.”
The Art Bras range from simple rhinestones and feathers to bras with seashells, candy, capes and pine cones. While participants are encouraged to get creative, there are a few limitations that apply. The bras need to be wearable, they should fit on a hanger, and of course, be original and in good taste.
“Every year we are amazed at these decorative bras,” Mott said. “Most have a bit of humor to them, others are serious, but they are all awesome.”
The Art Bra was created years ago when a woman, who lost her mother to breast cancer, found buttons and trinkets among her mother’s belongings. She refused to throw them out and instead found a creative way to remember her mother and to help others. The daughter sewed those buttons and trinkets onto a bra and the rest is history.
Participation in the 8th Annual Art Bra Contest is easy – just design and decorate a bra. Entry forms will soon be available at the Temple Cancer Center in Lufkin, the Livingston-Polk County Chamber of Commerce in Livingston or online at The completed bra and entry form must be dropped off in Lufkin at the Temple Cancer Center or the front desk at St. Luke’s Health-Memorial Lufkin or in Livingston at the Livingston-Polk County Chamber of Commerce or the Administration office at St. Luke’s Health-Memorial Livingston no later than 5 p.m. Friday, September 30.
All bras will be on display during the Power of Pink! Luncheon, and can be seen in the main lobby at St. Luke’s Health-Memorial Lufkin the week following the luncheon.
The public can vote for the People’s Choice winner online at Monday, October 3 through Sunday, October 9.
For more information, contact Lindsey Mott at 936-639-7613 or [email protected].
The Power of Pink! Luncheon will be held Tuesday, October 18 at the Polk County Commerce Center, 11:30 am – 1pm and Thursday, October 20 at the Lufkin Pitser Garrison Convention Center, 11:30 am – 1pm. Tickets will be available for purchase soon.
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