Decorate a Bra for the 5th Annual Art Bra Contest

Bead it, bling it, feather it, it does not matter. Be a part of spreading awareness about breast cancer by decorating a bra! Memorial Health Sytem of East Texas and Abeldt’s Gaslight Pharmacy are teaming up again this year to present the 5th Annual Art Bra Contest.
“We have judged bras adorned with Christmas lights, candy and more beads than you can imagine,” said Lindsey Mott, Community Relations Specialist at Memorial. “While the entries can be extremely unique, beautiful and even funny, they all are created to bring awareness to breast cancer and the steps women can take to stay healthy.”
As part of the Power of Pink! luncheon, the Art Bra Contest is a way members of the community can have fun promoting breast cancer awareness. All you have to have is a little bit of imagination, a bra, and an entry form. In Lufkin, entry forms are available at Abeldt’s Gaslight Pharmacy, the Arthur Temple Sr. Regional Cancer Center and the Memorial website In Livingston, entry forms are available at My Place Eatery, the Livingston/Polk County Chamber of Commerce and the Memorial website A $10 entry fee is required when the finished Art Bra is submitted.
“The rules for the contest are very simple,” added Ms. Mott. “Pay your entry fee, keep it in good taste and make sure that the bra will be able to be worn.” The winning bras will be modeled at the 2013 Power of Pink Luncheon on October 17 at the Lufkin Convention Center. The winning bras will also be eligible for cash prizes.
A celebrity panel will once again select the winning 1st, 2nd and 3rd place bras. A People’s Choice will be awarded through an online vote. The deadline for submitting an Art Bra is Friday, October 4. In Lufkin, bras can be turned in at Abeldt’s Gaslight Pharmacy or the Arthur Temple Sr. Regional Cancer Center. In Livingston, bras can be turned in at My Place Eatery or the Livingston/Polk County Chamber of Commerce.
Publish date:
Wednesday, September 11, 2013Find a Doctor
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