East Texas Assisted Living Centers Partner with Memorial

Dr. Mohammad Siddiqui, a Memorial pulmonologist, was the featured speaker at Memorial’s quarterly Assisted Living Center Luncheon. Memorial partners with area assisted living centers to offer ongoing clinical education to the Center’s onsite nursing teams and caregivers. Dr. Siddiqui spoke to nursing centers on pulmonary medications and how to use them to the patient’s full advantage so that they are not re-admitted to a hospital for care. Among the participants were (Front row l to r) Kristen Redd, Director of Business Development, Parkwood Place; Mohammad Siddiqui, M.D., Memorial; Lorei Choate, Colonial Pines, San Augustine; (Second Row l to r) Pam Hammack, RRT, Vent Director at Trinity Mission Nursing and Rehabilitation; Carl McClendon, Community Relations Coordinator, Stoneleigh Estates; and Dean Anderson, Southland Health Care.
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Tuesday, October 02, 2012Find a Doctor
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