Memorial Medical Center - Lufkin Celebrates National Social Work Month

“Weaving Threads of Resilience and Advocacy,” is the theme for National Professional Social Work Month. Memorial Medical Center – Lufkin recently recognized members of the social work team including (front row) Becky Slemmons, Mary Self, Gail Martinez, Becca Oquinn, Minerva Palomino, (back row) Nita Mayo, Scott Andrews, Marjorie Moreland, Kristin Algien, Ginger Rowell and Amanda Johnson. Healthcare social workers help clients and families understand a client’s illness, work through the emotions of a diagnosis and provide counsel about decisions that need to be made concerning care. Social workers, in a medical or public health setting, may also arrange for at-home services, such as meals-on-wheels or home care.
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013Find a Doctor
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