MMC - Livingston Women’s Power Lunch Collects Items for Childrenz Haven

Childrenz Haven was the most recent recipient of donated items from the Memorial Medical Center – Livingston Women’s Power Lunch. Susie Adams (far right), Executive Director of Childrenz Haven, accepts the donations from representatives of the Women’s Power Lunch including, from left, Charlotte Doughty, Rhonda Walsh, Elizabeth Coker, Joan Reeves, Wynona Presler and Bunny Orr. Donated items included monetary donations, snacks, children activity books and more. Each month the Women’s Power Lunch group collects items for various non-profit agencies. In March, attendees are asked to bring items for MANNAFEST. The luncheon is free to the public. To learn more about The Women’s Power Lunch and to view the 2014 schedule, please visit
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Thursday, March 06, 2014Find a Doctor
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