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Power of Pink! October 16

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The inside of the Lufkin Pitser Garrison Convention Center will be overflowing with pink on Thursday, October 16 for the 22nd Annual Power of Pink! luncheon, hosted by Memorial Health System of East Texas and the Arthur Temple Sr. Regional Cancer Center. Individual tickets are $25 and reserved tables are $250.  Tickets go on sale September 9 at Memorial, the Cancer Center, Studio 319 and Alene’s Florist.

Susan Sparks is this year’s featured speaker.  A trial lawyer, turned standup comedian and Baptist minister, Rev. Susan Sparks is America’s only female comedian with a pulpit.  Ms. Sparks, a breast cancer survivor, will present “Humor and Healing While Going Through Hell,” a program that explores the power of humor in difficult situations.  Ms. Sparks has been featured in “O (The Oprah) Magazine,” the New York Times, USA Today, CBS The Early Show, on ABC and CNN.  Her book, Laugh Your Way to Grace: Reclaiming the Spiritual Power of Humor was named one of the best spiritual books of 2010 with over 10,000 copies sold.

Power of Pink! is designed to educate women about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer while encouraging them to take care of their bodies through monthly self exams and annual mammograms. “We want the community to attend and enjoy themselves,” said Lindsey Mott, Community Relations Specialist at Memorial Health System of East Texas and Power of Pink! Coordinator.  “We also want to create a higher level of awareness about breast cancer, early detection and treatment.”   

The event will also host the 6th Annual Art Bra Exhibit.  Memorial Health System of East Texas and Abeldt’s Gaslight Pharmacy have once again teamed up to present the Art Bra Contest in conjunction with Power of Pink! Community members are encouraged to decorate bras in memory or in honor of someone they know who has fought breast cancer or just to support the cause.  The decorated bras will be judged prior to and displayed at the luncheon.  Rules and entry forms can be picked up at Memorial Medical Center – Lufkin, the Arthur Temple Sr. Regional Cancer Center, Abeldt’s Pharmacy or online at For more information on the Art Bra Contest please contact Lindsey Mott at 936-639-7613.

“I am amazed every year at the creativity of the bras that are entered in the contest,” said Ms. Mott. “I can’t imagine from year to year how it can get any better, but the entries continue to impress every year.”  Decorated bras entered in the contest are judged by celebrity judges as well as online by the community to award Top Bra and People’s Choice.  The winning bras are modeled by celebrity models at the luncheon while all bras are on display.

This year everyone will have the chance to win a custom designed piece of jewelry compliments of Lufkin Jewelry on the Square. This piece of jewelry is just one of the many items up for grabs in the raffle drawing.  Tickets can be purchased at the luncheon or at Memorial prior to the event. 

With the continued support of sponsors such as The Main Event, Kwik Kopy Printing, Studio 319, Beard Fine Jewelers, Alene’s Florist, First Bank and Trust East Texas, Swain and Baldwin Insurance, Abeldt’s Gaslight Pharmacy, Angelina Surgical Associates, Lufkin Jewelry on the Square and many more, the Power of Pink! continues to reach women in the community spreading the message of hope and encouragement.  This year close to 800 women are expected to attend. 

Tickets, $25 each, are sold on a “first come, first serve” basis.  Tables of 8 can be reserved for $250.  This year tickets and reserved tables will be available for purchase online also beginning September 9.  For more information on the Power of Pink!, how to be a sponsor or how you can get involved contact Lindsey Mott at 936-639-7613 or Information also can be found at or on Facebook group Power of Pink!

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