Power of Pink! Video Honored with National Award

A partnership between Memorial Medical Center – Lufkin and the City of Lufkin was recently recognized by a national magazine. The 2011 Power of Pink! Special Video “I Won’t Let Go” received a Merit Award through the Healthcare Advertisting Awards sponsored by Heatlhcare Marketing Report, the leading publication covering all aspects of healthcare marketing, advertising and strategic business development.
The video, presented at the 2011 Power of Pink! luncheon, was a community wide initiative that honored and remembered those affected by cancer. Lindsey Mott, Community Relations Specialist at Memorial Health System of East Texas, and Randy Cadwell, Senior Video Production Specialist at the City of Lufkin, worked together to create a video that would not only honor and remember those fighting cancer but to honor those caregivers that fight alongside them. Members of the community were invited to participate in different ways such as showing photos of their loved ones or displaying words of hope and encouragement. The video can be seen on the Memorial YouTube site, MemorialHealthTV.

Nearly 4,000 entries were received in the 29th Annual Healthcare Advertising Awards competition. A national panel of judges were engaged in reviewing all entries based on creativity, quatlity, message effectiveness, consumer appeal, graphic design and overall impact.
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Wednesday, August 08, 2012Find a Doctor
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