Students Tour Memorial Medical Center - Lufkin to Learn About Careers in Healthcare

Students participating in the Texas AHEC East Pineywoods Region Health Careers Camp recently toured the Cardiovascular and Stroke Center at Memorial Medical Center – Lufkin. Students who participated in the tour included, front row, Jewelisa Olalde; second row, from left, Kimberly Fuentes, Breanna Yates, Elisabeth Patrick, Lani Metcalf, Tanya Facio, Maritza Facio, Maria Luna; third row, from left, Sarah Petersen, Stormie Irvin, Shayna Jasey, Stacy Garcia, Assistant Chief Nursing Officer MMC-Lufkin, Shametris Owens, Hailey Keene; back row, from left, Mark Scott, Texas AHEC Director; Mavis Yarbrough, AHEC HCPP Coordinator and Camp Director ; John Brink, Nurse Manager MMC-Lufkin Cardiac Cath Lab; Patrick Foster, Kourtni Sandersons, Yolanda Gasaway, AHEC Adminstrative Assistant, Kimberlee Perkins and Lurah Bryant, AHEC CBSE Coordinator. The students had the opportunity to meet with nurses, medical technicians and physicians in various areas of the health care facility, including the emergency room and heart catheteterization labs.
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Thursday, July 19, 2012Find a Doctor
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