Volunteer Auxiliary Donates to Hospital’s Emergency Room

The St. Luke’s Health Memorial Volunteer Auxiliary recently donated 18 Welch-Allyn Suretemp Thermometers to Memorial’s Emergency Department. The gift, worth more than $2,500, is just one example of the many items the Auxiliary donates throughout the year. Christine Hargis, RN; Randy Ward, RN; Sharon Kelley, Volunteer Coordinator; Pasty Weems, Volunteer; Sarah Page, Volunteer; Angela Hess, RN, Director of Emergency Services; Amanda Nylund, MD; Stephen Bennett, RN, Trauma Coordinator; Kathy McNeese, RN and Lisa Hanson, Scribe; show off a couple of the new thermometers. The thermometers are mounted permanently in each room of the main emergency department and are readily available when needed for each patient.
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Tuesday, June 02, 2015Find a Doctor
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