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Rights of the Patient

1. The hospital prohibits discrimination to patients and visitors based on age, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, culture, language, physical or mental disability, socioeconomic status, gender, or sexual orientation.

2. You have the right to receive information about your rights as a patient and how to present a complaint or grievance, including whom to contact with your complaint. Voicing your concern will not affect your care.

a) To learn more about the complaint-handling process or to file a complaint, ask your nurse or another member of the hospital workforce, or call 936-266-4050 to speak to a hospital representative at any time during your stay to report your concern or complaint (grievance)

b) For grievances regarding civil rights discrimination, please submit your complaint in writing with your name, your address, a description of the alleged discriminatory action, and the resolution sought to the following:

  • St. Luke’s Health Attn: Division Corporate Responsibility Officer
    PO Box 20269 MC 3-121 Houston, TX 77225-0269
    Telephone: 832-355-2146
  • Texas Department of State Health Services
    Mail: PO Box 149347 Austin, TX 78714-9347
    Fax: (512) 834-6653
    Email: [email protected]
    Complaint hotline: (888) 973-0022
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights
    1301 Young Street, Suite #1169 Dallas, TX 75202
    Toll-free: 1-800-368-1019 or 1-800-537-7697
    (TDD)Fax: 214-767-0432
    Internet: complaints/index.html

3. If you have Medicare coverage and are admitted to the hospital, you have the right to receive the Beneficiary Notice, the “Important Message from Medicare.”

4. You have the right to have a family member or person of your choice and your physician notified when you are admitted to the hospital.

5. You have the right to reasonable responses to requests and needs for care, treatment, and/or services, within the hospital’s capacity, stated mission, and applicable law and regulation.

6. You have the right to considerate and respectful care in a dignified manner, including the following:

a) Care that considers psychosocial, spiritual, cultural, personal values, preferences, and other variables that influence the perception of illness:

  • While in the hospital, you may have visitors and telephone calls.
  • You may wear your clothing and any personal or religious items unless these interfere with testing or treatment.

b) Care of the dying that optimizes comfort and dignity by treating primary and secondary symptoms that respond to treatment according to individual wishes, by effectively managing pain, and by recognizing psychosocial and spiritual concerns about dying and grief.

7. You have the right to work together with your physician to make decisions about your care and treatment:
    a) Receive the information you need to make an informed decision about care and treatment that reflects your wishes. You are encouraged to ask questions about your health status and treatment.
    b) Receive information necessary to give your informed consent before specific procedures or treatments. This information includes the name of the procedure or treatment, the names of the practitioners who will perform it, the purpose, risks, and benefits of the procedure or treatment, and whether there are any alternatives.
    c) Accept or refuse care, treatment, and services, to the extent permitted by law, and receive information about the possible effects of refusing care or treatment.
    d) Receive information about the outcomes of care or treatment provided, including any unexpected outcomes.    
    e) Participate in the plan for your care, treatment, and discharge, as well as manage your pain.
    f) With your permission or as legally authorized, your family or significant other may also participate in your healthcare decisions and discussions.
    g) Request information about any professional relationship among the members of your healthcare team and whether other healthcare or educational organizations are involved in your care.
    h) If you need to be transferred to another hospital or facility, your physician, nurse, or another member of the hospital workforce will explain the reasons for and alternatives to transfer, obtain your agreement, and make the necessary arrangements with the other facility.

8. You have the right to receive information in a manner you understand. The hospital provides assistive services for patients with vision, speech, hearing, language, or cognitive impairments. Language interpretation is available for patients who do not speak or understand English. Please ask your nurse or another member of the hospital workforce for more information.

9. You have the right to participate in addressing ethical issues related to your care. You and anyone authorized to make healthcare decisions for you are encouraged to express and participate in resolving questions or concerns about care, treatment, or services. Anyone with an ethical question or concern may ask a physician, nurse, or other healthcare team member to request an ethics consult. This right extends to your family, friends, and the healthcare team members providing your care. Questions and concerns include, but are not limited to, your ability to make decisions for yourself, decisions about limiting care, treatment, and services at the end of life, and honoring your advance directive. If you have an ethical question or concern, please speak with your physician, nurse, or another member of the hospital workforce.

10. You have the right to work with your physician to express your choices about care and/or treatment before it is needed, such as through an advance directive. If you prefer, you may appoint someone to make health care decisions for you. Types of advance directives include a Directive to Physicians, Medical Power of Attorney, and Out-of-Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Order.
        a) During admission, you will be asked if you have an advance directive or need assistance with writing an advance directive.
        b) If you have an advance directive, please provide a copy to be placed in your medical record. It will be reviewed with you or your decision maker as appropriate to your care.
        c) Care, treatment, and services are not based on whether or not you have an advance directive.
        d) Patients receiving care, treatment, or services in an outpatient department of the hospital will be resuscitated in the event of cardiopulmonary arrest unless there is a valid Out-of-Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Order or you are wearing an identification bracelet or necklace approved by the State of Texas. Outpatient hospital departments include, but are not limited to, a clinic, an emergency room, a freestanding emergency center, a sleep center, or other outpatient testing and treatment department located in the hospital or off-site from the hospital campus.

11. You have the right to the confidentiality of your medical record and information within legal limits.

12. You have the right to access information contained in your medical record within a reasonable time frame and under conditions established by the hospital. As legally permitted, you may request an amendment to and receive an accounting of disclosure regarding your health information.

13. You have the right to personal privacy.
    a) The hospital workforce will conduct interviews and medical examinations and discuss your care with you privately. Anyone not directly involved in your care may be present and participate in discussions only with your permission.
     b) You may give or withhold informed consent for recordings, films, or other images (photography, video, electronic, or audio media) used for purposes other than your care or treatment.

14. You have the right to receive care in a safe setting.
    a) Please talk to your physician, nurse, or another member of the hospital workforce if you feel that your setting or care could be better. If you are concerned about your safety or quality of care, you may also contact a hospital representative at 832-598-7721.
    b) St. Luke’s recommends that you leave valuables at home. The hospital workforce will show you where you can store your belongings.

15. You have the right to be free from all forms of abuse and harassment, including neglect, exploitation, verbal abuse, mental abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. This includes the hospital workforce, other patients, visitors, or family members.

16. You have the right to be free from bodily punishment, including the right to be free from restraint or seclusion of any form used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience, or retaliation by the hospital workforce. Restraint or seclusion may only be used to ensure your immediate physical safety or the safety of others, and it must be ordered by your physician and discontinued as soon as possible.

17. You have the right to be informed of any human experiments, research, or clinical education programs that affect your care, treatment, and services, including respecting and protecting your rights. You may refuse to participate in such programs or treatments and discontinue participation at any time.

18. Your guardian, next of kin, or legally authorized person has the right to exercise, to the extent permitted by law, your rights if you cannot express your wishes about care, treatment, and services.

19. You have the right to receive visitors whom you designate, including, but not limited to, a spouse, domestic partner (including a same-sex domestic partner), another family member, or a friend. You may make changes to withdraw or deny consent to a visitor at any time. The hospital may need to restrict visitors based on your clinical condition or to protect the rights and safety of others. The number of visitors, visiting hours, and overnight visitors may also be limited. Please check with your nurse about the specific limitations of your room.

Patient Responsibilities

St. Luke’s goal is to provide quality care while making your hospital stay as comfortable as possible. Patients have the following responsibilities:

1. You are expected to follow the hospital’s policies.
    a) Tobacco and smoking products are prohibited in the hospital.
    b) For the safety and well-being of patients, visitors, and the hospital workforce, the following items may not be brought onto the hospital premises: • Unprescribed narcotics or other illegal drugs
        • Alcoholic beverages
        • Firearms or weapons of any type, regardless of a concealed handgun permit. If you have brought any of these items with you, please tell your nurse or another member of the hospital workforce.
    c) Please help control the noise in your room.
    d) Please be courteous to the hospital workforce, other patients, and visitors.
    e) Please be respectful and considerate of the hospital workforce, property, and other patients and their property.
2. You must provide information about your health history and current condition.
    a) Provide your full name, date of birth, contact information, insurance, and employment when required.
    b) Provide complete and accurate information about your present condition, medications, and past medical history.
3. You are expected to ask questions if you do not understand your care, treatment, or services. Please report any risks that you observe or changes in your condition to your physician, nurse, or another healthcare team member.
4. You are expected to follow the instructions for the care and treatment plan you receive from your physician and other healthcare team members and accept the consequences of not following what was recommended to you.
5. You are expected to meet financial commitments. You may obtain an itemized bill of your hospital services, regardless of the source of payment for your care. If you need assistance with this, call a hospital representative at 832-355-3081.

Note: “You,” as used throughout this document, refers to the patient or the responsible person legally authorized to make decisions for the patient.

In order to provide healthcare services, St. Luke's Health must obtain and maintain medical information on you, the patient. The Notice of Privacy Practice describes the types of information that are collected and your rights regarding the information. To access the Notice of Privacy Practice, please click here. In addition, a printed copy of The Notice of Privacy Practice can be obtained at registration at the time of your visit.

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