The Do's and Don'ts of Exercising While Pregnant
Exercising while pregnant can help reduce back pain, ease constipation, keep your heart and lungs healthy, promote healthy weight gain, boost your mood, strengthen muscles, and improve your overall fitness. Ask your OB/GYN before you begin exercising and keep these do’s and don’ts in mind!
Is It Safe to Exercise While You’re Pregnant?
If you exercised regularly before becoming pregnant, it’s likely safe to continue exercising during your pregnancy unless your doctor advises otherwise. The CDC recommends healthy pregnant women get at least two hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. You can achieve this with 30 minutes of brisk walking five days a week, or you can squeeze in 10-minute intervals of exercise throughout the day. If you’re new to physical activity, start gradually with five minutes a day and work with your doctor to design a healthy workout plan.
When is it Unsafe to Exercise During Pregnancy?
Certain conditions can put you and your baby at risk if you exercise during pregnancy. If you’re pregnant with twins or multiples with risk factors for preterm labor or have any chronic conditions, such as heart or lung disease, cervical insufficiency, cerclage, severe anemia, placenta previa, or preeclampsia, exercise might not be safe.
How to Safely Exercise While Pregnant
Download or pin our infographic below to help you remember important safety tips when you get moving!

Talk with your Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Group OB/GYN for guidance regarding exercise or any concern you may have. Learn more about our comprehensive prenatal care and the VIP—Very Important Pregnancy—experience provided at St. Luke's Health Family Birthing Centers at MyVIPregnancy.org.
American Pregnancy Association | Exercise During Pregnancy
ACOG | Exercise During Pregnancy
CDC | Healthy Pregnant or Postpartum Women
NIH | Exercise During the Childbearing Year
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