Hurricane + Tropical Storm Preparedness Checklist
Are you prepared for hurricane season? Discover what you need to have ready in case a storm comes your way! Planning ahead for this type of natural disaster is important; waiting until you’re dealing with the threat or the aftermath of a hurricane, tornado, flood, or fire can result in valuable loss. Experts at the American Red Cross and the Federal Emergency Management Agency say planning and preparing for these instances in advance is key. Here are a few simple ways that can help you stay prepared in the event of an unforeseeable disaster.
Stock Up On Supplies
Your first defense is a disaster supply kit in an easily accessible location. In the hurried confusion, you’re likely to miss important items as you prepare your home or leave to seek shelter. At a minimum, you should have essentials, like two to three days worth of non-perishable food items, plenty of water, a flashlight, battery-powered radio, medications, first aid kit, multi-purpose tools, cellphone with charger, extra cash, sanitation and personal hygiene items, and copies of personal documents. Keep this kit stored in durable containers and a mini version of the kit in your vehicle as well. Additionally, have a backup power supply for any medical equipment that requires electricity just in case there is a power outage.
Get A Game Plan
Next, think about where you live and how you would leave, both from your residence and around your hometown. Know where you and your family will go during an emergency. Set a place to meet in case the family gets separated. Landlines and cellphones are often knocked out during hurricanes and similar disasters. In these cases, social media is another way to keep in touch with loved ones. Also, don’t forget to include planning for pets and small children.
This hurricane season, stay safe and remember that St. Luke’s Health emergency rooms are always ready to help in a medical emergency. Find your nearest location so you know where to go when minutes matter.

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