What Does ‘Stay Home - Work Safe’ Mean?
This blog was updated on June 26th. Because the situation surrounding COVID-19 is constantly evolving, some information may not be up to date. Stay informed by following information from your local officials and by visiting the CDC website.
Harris County has announced a ‘Stay Home - Work Safe’ order, which has specific requirements for the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Learn how this affects your day-to-day life and how you can help our whole community stay safe during this uncertain time.
If you do have an essential need to go out in public, remember to maintain six feet of distance between yourself and others at all times. The best way to prevent spreading COVID-19 is by wearing a face mask whenever you are in public. Here are some of our tips for wearing a mask and information on what materials can make the best homemade masks.
Following these guidelines will go a long way to slow the spread of COVID-19. If you believe you have the symptoms of this virus, contact your primary care physician at St. Luke’s Health for details on next steps.
For more information on the Harris County and City of Houston advisories, visit these links:
Red Level I Advisory | KHOU - June 26, 2020
Stream of Press Conference | KHOU - March 24, 2020
Overview of Guidelines | Click2Houston - March 24, 2020
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