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Top 5 Things to Consider for Employee Health in 2018

The healthcare industry is constantly evolving. As integrated corporate wellness programs become the norm rather than the exception, employers are learning how new tactics can improve productivity, their employees’ well-being, and the business’s bottom line. Here are the top trends we’re seeing in corporate health programs in 2018.

1. Personalizing Experiences

When corporate wellness programs began, they focused on general preventive health measures like smoking cessation or weight loss challenges. However, while helpful, these initiatives didn’t address the variety of individual health factors an employee may be concerned about. With biometric screenings, dedicated health coaches, and health education experts, modern corporate solutions from St. Luke’s Health can answer the unique needs of your employee population. Your employees will learn their specific health risks and how to mitigate future health concerns, creating a more effective health system that is also more likely to be embraced by the employee population.

Following each biometric screening, we provide the employee with advanced resources specific to their risk factors, including educational materials, primary and secondary physician appointments, and access to on-site practitioners. This allows employees to take the next step immediately after the screening, turning information into action.

2. Emphasizing Mental Health

Now more than ever, employers are embracing mental health education as part of workplace wellness programs. While long stigmatized, we now understand the link between mental health and physical, psychological, and behavioral symptoms that have a clear impact on the body. Plus, workplace stress and poor mental well-being lead to a lack of productivity and employee job satisfaction. By providing stress management programs and personal health coaches, such as in our Executive Health Program, employers are ensuring positive outcomes for both individual employees and the workplace as a whole.

3. Simplifying Wellness

In previous years, one barrier to employee participation was the complicated nature of many corporate wellness programs. St. Luke’s Health Corporate Solutions uses a modern, simplified approach, providing integration with our network of primary care and specialist providers to make comprehensive wellness straightforward and attainable. Plus, our Disease Management and Case Management specialists serve as health navigators throughout the care process, removing barriers to ensure employees have every resource they need to successfully navigate their wellness journeys.

4. Focusing on Sleep

We cannot overstate the importance of adequate sleep. Many studies show that well-rested employees perform better and generally live longer than their caffeine-dependent coworkers. However, a significant number of American workers report being sleep deprived. Health education initiatives are often the first step in combating poor sleep and can address causes such as stress and physical factors. Prioritizing sleep in wellness initiatives can have far-reaching implications to improve whole-body wellness as well as company productivity.

5. Treating the Whole Person

Corporate wellness programs of the past quickly realized that half-hearted measures are not as effective as holistic solutions. In 2018, that trend continues. Multidisciplinary care understands how the body’s systems work together and treats wellness as an interactive process.

For instance, a person who is sleep deprived may feel increased levels of stress. This stress could lead to overeating, which could contribute to myriad weight-related diseases like high blood pressure or diabetes. All these factors contribute to the employee’s fitness level, but treating just one part of the problem does not create a solution. Whole-body wellness, such as provided by our Executive Health Program, approaches health problems from all sides, providing a practical solution for the employee while also ensuring money spent on healthcare is as effective as possible.

Corporate Solutions from St. Luke’s Health offers comprehensive wellness services appropriate for office settings both large and small. With modern health initiatives, integrated services, and easily accessible resources to solidify employee participation, Corporate Solutions has the potential to make a big impact on your business. Download our free brochure today to learn more about how St. Luke’s Health Corporate Solutions can work for you.

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