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Heart Transplant - June 2009
Sheila Vaughn is a happily married grandmother of five. Her blended family consists of Billy, her husband, three adult daughters, and one son. Sheila’s had a very exciting professional life with careers in pharmaceutical and lipid research, marketing, textbook consulting, and science teaching. Retired now, Sheila’s happy to report that her son and daughters have professions that mirror each of her former ventures. Her commitment to improving society continues to live on through them.
“After almost nine years of heart problems I received a new organ on June 16, 2009. Known for attempting to complete everything fast, I always enjoyed my very fast paced, busy careers during most of those years with lots of medications to aid my heart. Unfortunately in 2008 my deterioration also got on a face-paced track and I became seriously ill with the New Year in 2009. At the end of May I was hospitalized and placed on a balloon pump as a temporary measure while waiting for a heart. It wasn’t fun since it required not moving the right leg from a straight, flat position continuously. Clinging to that fast mode, two days later a heart became available, but there was a slight mismatch.
Always joking with the staff, I did not lose faith and dealt with the inability to move in a positive manner. Fast was the operative word, when Our Lord again blessed me with a heart two weeks later. This time the match was perfect!”
“I was able to continue my fast paced track by going home just eight days later and I’m still going.” This blessing which equals no other has given me a chance to continue to guide my family and be of service to others.
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